1 Kings 18.

Elijah challenged Baal to the ultimate test. Two altars, two sacrifices, two prayers. The God who answered, would be the true and living God. The prophets of Baal cried out for hours, cutting themselves and dancing to a god who would never answer, who could never answer. As soon as Elijah prayed to Yahweh, He answered and consumed the altar in fire.

The same God who responded when Elijah called, and sent fire to consume the offering on the altar, is the same God you and I serve today. He has not changed. Yahweh, is still alive and moving and answering our prayers. He is the same God who sent His son Jesus to die for us. Jesus showed the same power when he healed the sick, and raised Lazarus from the dead, and when he raised himself from the dead. The God you and I serve, is a God of living power. Sometimes we forget this because we too have let our hearts become divided, just like the Israelites. We have looked to other things and other people to be our answers. Only through Jesus, can we see answers to our prayers. Only by believing that He died for us and has forgiven our sins and only by accepting his gift of eternal life can we stand before Yahweh and know that He hears us just like he heard Elijah. Don’t be afraid. Be bold, be courageous, just like Elijah, and know that the Lord hears you when you come to him.

Did you notice that Elijah didn’t give up after not seeing the rain? He could have given up and walked away after the servant came back and told him there was no rain. Not once, not twice, not three times, but seven times did Elijah send his servant back to look for rain, and sure enough, there it was, coming on a small cloud that was about to become dark and heavy clouds filled with rain. Friends, faith is believing God hears us when we pray. Faith is believing what the Bible says is true, even when we can’t see it. Faith is believing God will fulfill His promises to us. God wants us to be bold when we come to Him in prayer, believing and not doubting that He is there and He hears us. You may not see answers right away, but that doesn’t mean God isn’t working and moving on your behalf. Trust in His goodness and his timing.