Jeremiah 23 calls Jesus, “The Righteous Branch.”

“And this is the name by which He will be called, “The Lord our Righteousness.” (Jeremiah 23: 6)

The Bible says that God knew you before you were even born. Before God said, “Let there be light,” He said, “Let there be (insert your name).” And before God said, “Let there be (insert your name), He had a plan for your salvation, a very specific and intricate plan to make a way to be your righteousness where you could not.

Revelation calls Jesus the Lamb who was slain from the foundation of the world (Rev. 13:8). Before creation ever happened, Jesus was the Lamb who was slain to take our sins and be righteousness for us. Beth Moore gives an example of what that conversation might have looked like. God the Father saying to Jesus, the Son, “Are you ready for this? Are you sure you’re in? Because once I breath a soul into this first man, they are going to be in trouble soon after that. Are you, Jesus, committed to being the Lamb slain?”

Thank God for Jesus’ righteousness. I can stand in the presence of God covered in nothing but the righteousness of Jesus and know that this was the plan from the beginning because of the deep and great love of the Father. He sees the end from the beginning and nothing is a surprise to Him. He’s not making it up as He goes. He is Sovereign. And if you have Jesus living in you, you have exchanged your sin for the righteousness of Christ and therefore you are known, you are loved, and  you are the righteousness of Christ.