“You made them a little lower than the angels and CROWNED them with glory and honor.” Psalm 8:5

We were created to reflect the glory of God. The enemy tries to get us to define our worth based on titles we hold and accomplishments we achieve, but the Bible says our worth and identity come simply because we are God’s creation and He has bestowed glory and honor upon us apart from anything we could have done to deserve it.

When we look to anything other than God to give us worth, we actually exchange His glory for something that will never give us the worth we long for. It’s like exchanging a priceless crown made of pure gold and beautiful jewels for a fake plastic one. The Message translation says, “They traded the glory of God who holds the whole world in his hands for cheap figurines you can buy at any roadside stand.” Romans 1:23

There’s a scene in the show, “The Crown” where Queen Elizabeth is practicing her coronation speech, and she asks if she can “borrow” the crown for a couple of days, just to practice with. The valet says, “Borrow it Ma’am? From whom? If it’s not yours, whose is it?” It is NOT a borrowed crown that we wear! As children of the Most High God, we have been crowned with the very glory of God! It is our rightful inheritance! Look to him to receive your worth and value and hold tight to that truth. Nothing you would exchange it for could compare.